
CydiaImpactor工具又出現了一個新的錯誤問題,顯示「http-win.cpp:160PeercertificatecannotbeauthenticatedwithgivenCAcertificatesSSLcertificate ...,更新說明:2018.8.8起開始有大量出現http-win.cpp:160PeercertificatecannotbeauthenticatedwithgivenCAcertificatesSSLcertificateproblem:certificateis ...,2018年8月12日—Here'showtofixCydiaImpactorhttp-win.cpp:160CPP/CCP160errorwithanewpatchedversion,whichcanb...

Cydia Impactor 出現cpp

Cydia Impactor 工具又出現了一個新的錯誤問題,顯示「http-win.cpp:160 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates SSL certificate ...

Cydia Impactor 常見各種錯誤解決方法全收錄

更新說明:2018.8.8 起開始有大量出現 http-win.cpp:160 Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with given CA certificates SSL certificate problem:certificate is ...

Fix Cydia Impactor http-win.cpp

2018年8月12日 — Here's how to fix Cydia Impactor http-win.cpp:160 CPP / CCP 160 error with a new patched version, which can be downloaded from here.

How to fix Cydia Impactor "http-win.cpp

Replacing any of these with a PEM-encoded copy of the Digicert Global Root G2 certificate seems to fix the http-win.cpp:160 error.

[question] error ( cydia impactor error http

2018年8月8日 — It's a known issue. Signing server is down.

[Tutorial] How to downgrade Cydia Impactor (fix certificate ...

2018年2月17日 — How to fix “http win cpp:160” new error in Cydia Impactor. ---------------------------. Error. ---------------------------. http-win.cpp:160.

【iphone4sipad2回滚ios6.1.3】file:installer.cpp; line

2022年5月24日 — cpp; line: 71; what:_assert(!teams.empty()) 弹窗(这是cydia impactor安装的时候报错): 在这里插入图片描述 报错2:http-win.cpp:160 Peer ...

瘋先生玩越獄- cpp

2018年8月10日 — 我直接用網路的檔案就可以了~原本都跟各位的問題一樣 impactor-http-win.cpp160-cpp-160-error-with-